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The most anticipated new revolution gaming console by Nintendo after the GameCube! Wii will bring forth a whole new gaming experience where a wireless remote controller follows your hand movement to mimic actions such as a swing, throw, pull, punch or shoot. Just don't confuse your grandparents (or parents) with this TV remote controller look alike.

Of course, the sole reason why I'd lay my hands on this piece of beauty - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess . Originally scheduled to be released last year for the GameCube, Nintendo decided to delay the release to coincide with the launch of Wii (now slated for a December 11 release).

The current release date for Wii in the US is December 19, retailing around USD$250.

More crazy stuff Nintendo have packed in the bundle for the Wii.
Surf channels for News and Weather and create 3D avatars to leave messages for your family?!?!

2 reasons... I am trying to find a good enough excuse to justify reformatting my computer and pushing my hardware for more bang of the buck. Not that I am not already stressing my comp's limit... but I'm such a slave driver to my things. There's no secret that Windows Vista is going to be such a RAM and hardware sucker. Let's welcome more unnecessary cutesy icons, gadgets, 3D transparency windows! Windows is another step closer to looking more like Apple!

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