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Today's front page newspaper had this entire spread on the heat wave issue. However, there has been comfortable breezes during the nights. It's true that weather does affect ones' mood and how we react to things around. Reports mention that cooler days are not far away.

My legs are now aching from the long distance balding over the weekend. In addition, I had one of the worst migraines after a stupid incident of panadol with coke! I had the taste of how brain tumour felt like! Until today, that throbbing feeling still seems to linger...

These days, I'm having little marathon sessions of "Scrubs" season 2. My TV watching habits have drastically changed since TV episodes are made available over the net. It opens a new window for better time management and choice what you want to watch when. It's also whole load of fun to have watched everything on TV before most other people have!

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