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By a stroke of good luck I managed to catch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" much earlier then I intended. There has been so much hype about the film, it's everywhere! Numerous Christian communities had block booked the entire cinemas, it became like some church outing event. Thanks to Pris, I attended an evening screening on Saturday by HingHwa Methodist Church. The $8 ticket came with a $20 Marche dinner voucher for fellowship and evangelization. That was such a blast!

The film depicted Christ's last 12 hours before his crucifixion condensed into 2 hours. So you can expect lots of action, suffering, blood and gore. The fact that Jesus was an actual historical character (and to believers as the Saviour, Son of God), many will be intrigued by the accuracy that Gibson intended to portray in the movie. This is 2 hours dedicated to pure brutality and humility to the climax. Many has questioned the necessity for so much blood and violence, to the extend of shock. Nevertheless it was a rollercoaster emotional ride. Though I thought if the film was meant to be all so realistic, I thought I discovered some not so correct "facts":

1) Jesus should have been totally naked (ultimate humiliation)
2) The 'cross' should have been a horizontal log tied across his shoulders similar to the other two prisoners. This would also have meant that Jesus would have fallen each time with the weight of the 'cross'
3) The nails to the palms should have been to the wrist
4) Simon Peter's denial should have been at 3 different locations

I guess that's not important, compared to the suffering Christ went through to give his life in return for mankind's salvation. A pretty unconventional Super Hero.

It's a nice way to welcome Passion Week. My poky palm is placed up at my board. This will be a strange, short week for me; as we enter into Good Friday and Easther, mixed with a little birthday celebration?

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