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This video was created for the AARP U@50 video contest launched in August 2007 on YouTube. 'Lost Generation' was created by Jonathan Reed of Georgia State University in Atlanta and came in second. It is based on the Argentinian Political Advertisement "The Truth" by RECREAR.

The contest gave people between the ages of 18 and 30 the chance to submit short videos on the subject of what they expect their lives to be like at age 50. The goal of the U@50 Challenge was to encourage intergenerational dialogue enabling young people to speak their minds and give AARP insight into their views.

The fact that the video continues to receive rave comments online, is that people care about these issues. About the environment, about family, about marriage, about kids, about happiness... true happiness...

We can be the change we want to see.
To choose good, to make a difference... to stand up for what we believe in.

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