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This is the 1st official 2004 'blog'. Thinking back, I guess I have 'blogged' many thoughts here for slightly over a year now. I'm starting to think, why am I doing this... who reads my thoughts... am I exposing too much... what if someone stalks me... and a whole load of other nonsense. But as I read through the archives, it did bring back some memories and helped me appreciate the year better. If it serves as nothing more... then it just serves me :) For my own reading pleasure of my little life. I have thoughts of revamping my personal / showreel page and to set up a personal webserver so I can showcase my stuff online properly.

And as thought of formerly, here's my New Year Resolution List:

1) Setup Webserver
2) Revamp Online Showreel
3) Revamp Personal Website
4) STYG Website
5) STC Website
6) DVD Authoring HK Video
7) Edit Ah Wan in Singapore Video
8) Edit BDay 03 Video
9) Edit Lantern Festival Video
10) Edit Mars Opposition Video
11) Maya Animation Project

(Shit! Have I that many back logged stuff! Scary!!!)

Quality of Life:
1) Drink more water
2) Sit Ups and Leg Raisers everyday
3) Hang out at the beach more
4) Improve spiritual life
5) Clear up my contact list
6) Update my resume

That's an awful lot to start the New Year. I'm freaking out already! Happy New Year Everybody!

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