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The past 2 weekends were pretty much scheduled around 2 childhood friends - one is mine, Francis and the other is Derek's, Stuart.
Both were beautiful weddings, with Francis' at Four Seasons (coincidentally, his new wife is called "Spring"...) and Stuart's at St. Peter and Paul and later on the most Chi-Na Chinese Junk Boat - Cheng Ho II. In some ways it was rather corny, but everything turned out alright.

Turning back the clocks 12 - 14 years, it didn't seem that long ago that the Fairways kids were doing stunts in the pool, stunts with our rollerblades / skateboards, our famous letterbox hide and seek, slumber parties at each others house and for the girls, we each had a Pound Puppy. We grew up on MTV, Smash Magazines, New Kids On The Block, Bros, Madonna, Tiffany, Kylie Minouge, Debbie Gibbson, Sheena Eastern, Depach Mode, Duran Duran, Wet Wet Wet and Pet Shop Boys. So Retro... Those were carefree days...

I can't help it, but now when I look at my friends I grew up with, their little self still shines out... it's strange.

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