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More pictures in fencing, showcasing the high intensity blend of both combat and ballet.

Fencing Foil Round Robin Still 11
Foil Round Robin Competition (Sarah Vs. myself on the right)

Fencing Foil Round Robin Still 06
Foil Round Robin Competition (Jovin Vs. myself on the right). See how the blades bend upon impact. Fortunately for women, there is plastic chest protector underneath the jacket

Fencing Foil Round Robin Still 04
Foil Round Robin Competition (Anson Vs. myself on the right)

Fencing Epee Practice Still 03
Epee Practice (Siew Peng Vs. myself on the right)

Unlike in Foil, there is no requirement for the plastron (the silver chest vest) in Épée. Historically, Foil reflects what it truly was like in a duel, attacking at the chest parts to KILL. Épée on the other hand, scores a point when hit anywhere on the body. It is a better reflection of the duel as a sport, where a cut is sufficient to determine a win.

Fencing Epee Practice Still 07
Epee Practice (Siew Peng Vs. myself on the right)

In Épée, there is no concept of 'Right of Way'. As such, the game is all about 'who hits first'!

Apart from all the violent fighting (as some may call it), here are other benefits to the sport-

Physical: Keeps fit
- Improve coordination of both hands and legs
- Enhance balance and poise

Mental: Stimulates competitive spirit and determination to win
- Develops focus and concentration skills
- Challenges you to be calm and quick-witted under pressure
- Overcome adversaries with intelligence

Next week - Épée Round Robin Finals Friendly Competition.

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