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My weekends are starting to fill up due to the Arts Festival. Being somewhat broke, I'm resorting to free events (feel rather cheapo)! There are a couple of pretty interesting ones like; Eastern Movie Flick @ Stadium Cove, The Garden eRTH (where insects grow to Giant sizes!), Arka (lots of fire and flames!) and maybe some jazz gigs. Arriving at the right time where I feel a need to keep in touch with my *artistic* and *cultural* self! I was watching Central yesterday night, on this ballet cum gymnastics performance with synchronised movements to cool beats, displaying a visual feast for the eyes. It reminded me of the performances by STOMP and Tap Dogs - so energetic and inspiring! It's pretty uplifting to watch something like that every now and then, provides that balance into our rather "routine lifestyle"?

Aside from the Arty Farty side of me, the more health conscious side had spurred me to buy one of those GoodAire air purifiers. It's quite common these days, looking like a fishbowl with a green leaf on the top. It's suppose to purify poor surrounding air through a scrubbing swirling water effect. It's effectiveness is still under testing, but what I like best is the anti-bacterial scented solution that you can add as a fragrance. I purchased a Tea Tree bottle. Well, it did cost $150 bucks after a 20% discount at the GSS... so you see why I'm so broke...

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